
Breathing Space...

A Garden Oasis in the Burbs




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  What is your gardening zone?
ZONE Degrees in Celsius Degrees in Farenheit
below -45.6 C below -50 F
-45.5 to -40 C -50 to -40 F
-39.9 to -34.5 C -40 to -30 F
-34.4 to -28.9 C -30 to -20 F
-28.8 to -23.4 C -20 to -10 F
-23.3 to -17.8 C -10 to 0 F
-17.7 to -12.3 C 0 to 10 F
-12.2 to -6.7 C 10 to 20 F
-6.6 to -1.2 C 20 to 30 F
-1.1 to -4.4 C 30 to 40 F
above 4.5 C above 40 F

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